Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL) 可接受质量限值 (AQL)
In performing sampling inspection, QIMA inspectors follow the ISO 2859 standard and the tables provided by it. This document, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is an international standard with equivalents in all national regulations (ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, NF06-022, BS 6001, DIN 40080). 在进行抽样检验时,启迈QIMA检验员遵循ISO 2859标准及其提供的表格。本文件由国际标准化组织 (ISO) 发布,是所有国家法规(ANSI/ASQC Z1.4、NF06-022、BS 6001、DIN 40080)中等效的国际标准。 AQL (Acceptable Quality Limit) Sampling is a method widely used to define a production order sample to determine if the entire product order has met the client’s specifications. Based on the sampling data, AQL standard can help the customer can make an informed decision to accept or reject the lot. AQL(可接受的质量限值)抽样是一种广泛用于定义生产订单样品以确定整个产品订单是否符合客户规格的方法。根据抽样数据,AQL标准品可以帮助客户做出明智的决定,接受或拒绝批次。 Your inspection report will clearly state whether your production has passed or failed your selected Acceptable Quality Tolerance level. 您的检验报告将清楚地说明您的生产是否通过了您选择的可接受质量公差水平。How do I determine the right sample size and acceptance number? 如何确定正确的样本量和验收数量?
Our experts will help guide you to ensure that you choose the inspection level and AQL values that best suit your needs. 我们的专家将帮助指导您,以确保您选择最适合您需求的检测级别和 AQL 值。 Test out your product inspection AQL using our sampling calculation tool. Here is a scenario we’ve come up with to help you understand how it works. 使用我们的抽样计算工具测试您的产品检验 AQL。这是我们提出的一个方案,以帮助您了解它是如何工作的。 You have a inspection to carry out for 4000 pieces of face masks, the client has selected a normal inspection – level II and AQL and 2.5. Go head to input and select the fields in red 您要对 4000 个口罩进行检查,客户选择了正常检查 – II 级和 AQL 和 2.5。转到输入并选择红色字段 Quantity: 4000 数量: 4000 Inspection level: General Inspection II 检验等级:一般检验II. AQL: 2.5 AQL:2.5
Table A 表A
Find the respective Lot Size (quantity) and general inspection level: Code letter L 查找相应的批量大小(数量)和一般检验级别: 代码字母 L *Note: AQL tables below are based on ANSI/ASQ Standard Z1.4 – 2008 注意:以下 AQL 表基于 ANSI/ASQ 标准 Z1.4 – 2008
Table B 表B
Locate Row L (this is the required sample size of 200) 找到第 L 行(这是所需的样本数量 200) *Complying with AQL 2.5, no more than 10 units from that sample size can fail the inspection. 符合 AQL 2.5 标准,该样本量中不超过 10 个单位可能无法通过检测。 Now, you can go ahead to simulate your next sampling inspection: 现在,您可以继续模拟下一次抽样检查:- Enter your shipment lot quantity 输入您的货件批次数量
- Select General/Special inspection level 选择一般/特殊检查级别
- Select AQL for all defects (critical, major, minor) 为所有缺陷(严重、主要、次要)选择 AQL
- Refer to Table A and B below to see the impact on inspected quantities and accepted defects 请参阅下面的表 A 和表 B,了解对检查数量和可接受缺陷的影响